From Home to School: Easing Your Child’s Worries About Preschool

Easing Your Child's Worries About Preschool

Preschool is a big step for little ones! It’s a new place with new faces, new routines, and maybe even a little less playtime with you. It’s natural for your child to feel a bit nervous about this change. But don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to help them feel comfortable and excited for their first school days!

Understanding Their Worries:

First, take a moment to see things from your child’s perspective. They might be worried about:

Being away from you:This is probably the biggest concern! Let them know you’ll miss them too, but you’ll be back to pick them up after school.

The unknown:New places and people can be scary. Talk about the fun things they’ll do at school, like singing songs, playing with friends, and learning new things.

Saying goodbye:Saying goodbye can be tough. Establish a short goodbye ritual, like a hug and a special kiss, to make it easier.

Making Preschool a Positive Experience:

Here are some ways to help your child feel excited about preschool:

Read books about preschool:There are many great children’s books that show a positive picture of school life.

Practice at home:Set up a pretend classroom at home and play “school.” This helps them get used to the idea of following instructions and being around other children.

Visit the school:If possible, take your child on a tour of the preschool before their first day. Meeting the teachers and seeing the classroom can ease their anxieties.

Pack a special “lovey”: Let your child bring a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to school for comfort.

Talk about the day ahead:In the morning, talk about the fun things your child will do at school. Let them know they can tell their teacher if they miss you.


Be patient:It may take some time for your child to adjust to preschool. Be patient with them and offer plenty of reassurance.

Stay positive:Your own positive attitude will go a long way in calming your child’s nerves. Talk about school with excitement and let them know you’re happy for them to be starting this new adventure.

Communicate with the teacher:Talk to your child’s teacher about any concerns you have and let them know how they can best support your child.

Starting preschool is a big milestone for both you and your child. By understanding their worries and taking steps to prepare them, you can help make this transition a smooth and positive experience for everyone!