Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Preschoolers

Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits in Preschoolers

At eduMETA THE i-SCHOOL, we know raising healthy little superheroes starts with healthy eating habits! But let’s face it, getting little ones excited about broccoli over cookies can feel like a superpower in itself. Don’t worry, fellow parents, we’ve got some encouraging healthy eating habits in preschoolers and tricks up our sleeves (or should we say lunchboxes?) to make healthy

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The Role of Parent-Teacher Relationships in Preschool Education

The Role of Parent-Teacher Relationships in Preschool Education

Have you ever wondered about the role you play in your child’s preschool education? Well, let’s talk about it! In this blog, we’ll explore the importance & role of Parent-Teacher Relationship in Preschool Education Open Communication Communication is key! When parents and teachers work together and communicate openly, they can better understand each other’s perspectives, concerns, and goals for the

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Can Kids Skip a Meal?

Many toddlers need to eat often — as much as six times a day, including three meals and two or three snacks. Keep this in mind as you establish a pattern of meal and snacks. But realize that a food schedule only sets the times that you will present food to your toddler. Your child may not take every opportunity

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Snacks for Toddlers


Healthy Toddler Snacks Most toddlers do well with three meals and two or three snacks a day —perhaps mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and again after dinner, if necessary. Toddlers should be feeding themselves, so think simple, finger-friendly, bite-size foods like: -Low-sugar, whole-grain breakfast cereals -fresh fruit thinly sliced or cut into small pieces -Whole-grain crackers and mini-muffins -cheese cut into thin slices or

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