Early Childhood Education

The early years of a child’s life are a critical window for brain development. Research shows that experiences during this time lay the foundation for future learning, social skills, and emotional well-being. This is why early childhood education (ECE) matters more than ever, and why owning an eduMETA THE i-SCHOOL franchise can be a rewarding and impactful business venture. The Growing

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Life Lessons that Children Learn at Preschool

Life Lessons that children learn at preschool

A preschool is like a special place where kids not only learn new things and skills, but also important lessons that stick with them forever. Life Lessons that Children Learn at Preschool and prepare them for the future. Even though kids might not realize it at the time, the habits and values they pick up in preschool influence how they

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Tips to reduce smartphone addiction in your kid

Tips to reduce Smartphone addiction

Let’s face it, smartphones are everywhere these days. While they have amazing benefits, too much screen time can take away from the joys of childhood. So, how do we help our kids find a healthy balance? Here are some Tips to reduce smartphone addiction in Kids Make Playtime a Priority: Remember those days of building forts, playing board games, or

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Preparing Little Learner for Smooth Preschool Transition


he decision to send your child to preschool is exciting, and with that excitement comes the natural desire to ensure they’re ready for this new adventure. Here at eduMETA THE i-SCHOOL, we believe in fostering a smooth and joyful transition for both children and parents.Preparing Little Learner for Smooth Preschool Transition Here are some key steps you can take to

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Leads Educational Transformation Across 775+ Locations in India


Central India’s Premier Preschool Chain Shaping the Future of Early Education   eduMETA THE i-SCHOOL, led by the visionary CEO Mr. Nayan Sharma, has emerged as the Best Preschool Chain in India, boasting an extensive network of 775+ locations nationwide. Founded in 2004, eduMETA stands as a beacon of innovative and affordable early childhood education, making a positive impact on

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