Toddlers: Learning by Playing

It might look like just child’s play, but toddlers are hard at work learning important physical skills as they gain muscle control, balance, and coordination. Each new skill lets them progress to the next one, building on a foundation that leads to more complicated physical tasks, such as jumping rope, kicking a ball on the run, or turning a cartwheel.

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Getting Help: Know the Numbers

The best time to prepare for an emergency is before one happens. Make sure your family knows emergency phone numbers and your kids know how to place a call for help. To place a call to 112 and talk to the operator, kids should know: -how to dial 112 -their full name -their full address -how to give a short

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Choosing Safe Baby Products

Even though babies are small and seem uncomplicated, there’s nothing small or simple about their accessories! Selecting products for your baby can be confusing, especially with all the new gadgets and features available (not to mention the many product recalls). But one overriding consideration must never be compromised when choosing baby products, whether you’re buying, borrowing, or accepting a hand-me-down:

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How Toddlers Communicate

Most kids say their first words around the time of their first birthday. A toddler who is preoccupied with learning to walk may push talking to the back burner; it’s not unusual and is nothing to be alarmed about. Kids this age might have learned fragments of dozens of words that may not be recognizable. They may echo what they

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What Are Allergies?

Allergies are abnormal immune system reactions to things that are typically harmless to most people. When a person is allergic to something, the immune system mistakenly believes that this substance is harming the body. Substances that cause allergic reactions — such as some foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines — are known as allergens. Allergies are a major cause of

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