10 Best Summer Foods for Kids


Summer is here! Time for sunshine, vacations, and keeping those little bodies cool. But what about food? When it’s hot outside, kids might lose their appetite for heavy meals. Here are 10 delicious and nutritious ideas for Summer Foods for Kids to keep your children fueled up and hydrated throughout the summer

1. Seasonal fruits

Summer fruits such as watermelon or muskmelon have high water content. It helps your child stay hydrated and provides them with the necessary antioxidants. The king of fruits, mango, digests easily and is rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that benefit the eyesight. Moreover, it helps improve brain development and protects your child against sunstroke.

2. Curd rice

Easy to prepare and soothing to the body, a bowl of curd rice is loaded with calcium and helps the body cool, especially during hot summers. You can also add roasted cumin seeds, mustard seeds or pomegranate to the curd rice.

3. Coconut water

Coconut water contains the necessary electrolytes to keep your baby’s body hydrated. Summers may lead to heavy loss of water and salts due to sweating, which can be replenished with a glass of coconut water.

4. Buttermilk

Just like curd rice, consuming yoghurt or curd in various forms can help cool the body. Buttermilk is a source of calcium and protein, loaded with nutrients such as vitamin B12, potassium, calcium, riboflavin and phosphorus.

5. Lemonade

Rich in vitamin C, lemonade cools the body, aids digestion and treats constipation and dental issues. It also improves children’s skin health.

6. Rose petal jam

Rose petal jam, popularly known as gulkand, prevents acidity and keeps the body cool. A spoonful of gulkand in cool or lukewarm milk helps maintain body temperatures in children.

7. Cucumbers

Summers cause a loss of water in the body. It is essential to provide your child with water-rich fruits and vegetables. Cucumbers contain almost 96% water and help the body stay hydrated.

8. Sabja seeds

Traditionally a coolant, sabja also helps get rid of toxins in the body. You may incorporate these in your child’s meal as topping on fruits or with a juice you serve.

9. Wood apple

Wood apple or bael, is a fantastic fruit during the summer. Its anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties protect your child from infections. Additionally, its rich protein content may boost your child’s strength and energy. Serve bael as a juice with little or no sugar.

10. Tomatoes

Rich in vitamins A, B2 and C, folate, fibre and potassium, tomatoes protect your child from harmful sun rays. Serve them raw or as a juice to help strengthen bones, prevent heatstroke and improve digestion.


These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, you can keep your kids cool, happy, and healthy all summer!

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